
Our Present Time

Artshack Residency, June-July 2020

Brooklyn, NY

We are living in a time of crisis, within a convergence of hardships and uncertainties. Feelings of frustration, despair, fear, and vulnerability can overwhelm us, especially when we’re not able to be close to one another. My project, Our Present Time, hopes to provide a small space of respite by offering a structure for self-care through mindfulness with clay. I will be giving Bed-Stuy residents a humble offering—a pound of clay and weekly exercises for working with it. Virtual meetings will also be held weekly so that we may practice being present together. 

What we will do with this clay isn’t about perfection or completion, but rather about our intention to observe and manipulate the clay’s properties—its malleable form, temperature, wetness/dryness, etc. In this way we can try to rest and reset our busy minds.

Each week we will reuse the same clay, imbuing it with the benefits of our intentional practice. At the end of July participants are invited to return their clay to Artshack for exhibition in the gallery. 

Essential workers and protest participants are especially welcome to join. 

Reserve your clay and sign up to receive the weekly Zoom link here.